Civil War Documents on Rev Claiborne McDonald Sr.
posted on 07/28/24
Rev Claiborne McDonald
William Barksdale
Civil War
I will list below several letters and transcriptions of them.
Hd. Qtrs. 13th Miss. Regt.
Hd. Qtrs. 13th Miss. Regt.
Near Winchester Va. Oct. 7th 1862
President Davis
Allow me to recommend Rev. Claiborne McDonald as a suitable person for the position of Chaplain to some post or Regt. in the C.S. Army, if there be any vacancy. Rev. C.M. McDonald is a prvt. in Co. “B”, 13th Miss. Regt. The forefinger of his right hand was shot off in the battles before Richmond, which in a measure disqualifies him for the use of the musket.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
H.B. West, Chaplain
13th Miss. Regt.
D.M. McRae
1st A Comdg. Co. “B” 13th Miss. Regt.
E.B. Cash
Col. 13th Miss Regt
Wm Barksdale
My commander
Recd submitted to the Secretary of War for the information of the President.
W Edwards
11732 Hon. G.W.R. Mr. Misi - M31
Richmond, Va.
Jany. 19, 1863
Asks attention to the case of Rev. Caleb McDonald, Corp. Co. B, 13th Misi Regt., who has served 13 months & lost a forefinger of the right hand during the battles around Richmond, and has been recommended by his Capt. Col. & Brig. for appt. as Chaplain.
Richmond Jan 19th 1863
Rev. Caleb McDonald, Corporal Co. B. 13th Missi. Regt. entered the service in Wayne Co. Missi. as a member of the Wayne Rifles in May 1861, and has continued in it since, now more than 20 months. In the battles before Richmond, he had his forefinger of the right hand shot off, and has been recommended by the Captain of his Co., the Col. of his Regt., and the Genl. of his Brigade, for a Chaplaincy. He is personally known to me, and I respectfully ask the attention of the President to his case, and if there is a chaplaincy to which he can be appointed, I be assured that the President may find his appointment.
Your Obdt. Servt.
John J. Pettus
Gov. of Missi.
His Excellency
Jefferson Davis
President C.S.A.
Resp[ectfully] submitted to the President, with the endorsement from the Adjt. Genl.
28 Feby 1863
J. C. Campbell
To Hon. J. G. McRae
Actg. Sec. of War, for consideration when an appt. may be practicable.
J.D. [Jefferson Davis]
To commutation of rations while on wounded furlough from the 11th of July to the 1st of May 1862. Thirty days at 25 cents, $7.50
I certify that the above is a correct account and that the commutation was made by my order and was necessary for the public service, it being impracticable to take rations in kind.
E. W. Carter
Col. 13th Miss Regt.
Received at Fredericksburg March 17th 1863 from Capt. H. C. Pope A.C.S., 13th Miss Regt. seven dollars and fifty cents in full of the above account.
C. McDonald
[?] Co. “B”
13th Miss Regt.
Hd Qrs 21st Regt Miss. Vols.
Fredericksburg, Va. April 20th 1863
The Rev’d Mr. D. Moore was sometime in Dec last appointed Chaplain to this regiment and has declined the appointment. A majority of the officers present with the regiment have requested me to recommend the Rev’d Claiborne McDonald of Company B, 13th Miss. Regt. The Rev’d Claiborne McDonald has been a private in the ranks, since the organization of the 13th Regt, and has sustained himself as a soldier and a Christian in all the marches and battles in which the Regt has been engaged. I respectfully recommend and solicit his appointment, as a suitable gentleman for the Chaplaincy of this Regt.
Very respectfully, Yr. Obdt. Servt.
V. B. Humphreys
Col. Comdg 21st Regt
Miss Vols.
To Hon. J. A. Seddon
Sec. of War
C. S. A.
Camp 21st Mis. Regt. near Richmond, Va.
Jan 7th 1865,
In obedience to General Order No. 1 Adj Inspector General Office, I make the following report,
I was assigned to 21st Miss Regt. May 23rd 1863 by Secretary of War I am still on duty in the
C. McDonald
Chaplain 21st Mis Regt.
To Samuel S(?) Cooper
Adjt Inspector Gen
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