Gus Hall Letters Part 12 - April 20th, 1963
posted on 07/25/24
Rev Gus Hall
Rev W A Hall
Claiborne McDonald II
The transcription is provided below, along with the original images.
April 20, 1963
April 20, 1963
My dear Claiborne,
I hope that this beautiful weather, clear, or rather, has caused physical improvement for you, and that you have been catching up on your breakfast. Fred, you, and Emily are planning to be at the [Illegible] meeting. May 5th 11 AM when I shall remain. The reunion is to be held [illegible] preach. The reunion is to be held in Mt. Zion Methodist Church near Mt. Carmel. Your father has preached in the Carmel. Your father has preached in the church many times. It is about 3/4 mile from Janis. In your grandfather’s day, Mt. Carmel was said to have more money than any place in Miss. It is 4 miles from the Laurin Magee Lands which were settled by Hugh and Wm. McDonald, and 6 miles from where Ed McCray was born and raised. He is still owner of his father’s old place. I was born one mile from the church. My grandfather, Dr. H.H. Moffatt’s second wife was Mary McDonald, and…
my mother was her sister, Effie McDonald Factor and some curiosities, your cousin W.H. Halls’ first wife was Mary Evans. They had seven children. My father had three. My father and Aunt Mary had five children. They are descendants of Hugh and Fanny. The reunion is composed of the descendants and friends of the G.H. Halls, Mrs. Lucinda Houston of Lumberton, Mississippi, was a sister of my father’s mother. Aunt Courtney Evans married a Templeton. My father and mother had 13 children, 10 of whom lived to be grown. All married but one. Wallis Anderson, the youngest, died at 30 without marrying. The Anderson in his name was for Anderson Worthy. Ed’s father. They were great friends. I visited him a few days before he died. When I lived at Celray, [illegible] his name was that of the late Mr. Anderson who was a very close friend of the Williams family. He and Mr. Celray were…
…close friends. I hope that you and Ed do come to the reunion. I don’t think you need worry to come, try to [illegible] Celray [illegible] by Collierville, 30 miles from Tattieville, Collins, 7 miles from Prentiss, then [illegible] in Mt. Carmel. I preached at Celray in Smith Co. Miss. & enjoyed being with its people. I was pastor there from 1908 to 1917. Celray is 7 miles from the Sandy McDonald lands. Sam (Sandy) was my grandfather, brother of Hugh and Wm. His wife was Elizabeth McNair, my grandmother. Buried by Sandy, their son died in the Cadwium McNair cemetery, near Mt. Olive cemetery. He was 96. Howard McCellers, [illegible] Mary McNair, and her grandfather was Percy McNair, are descendants. The Sandy McDonald family made members of Sharon Pres. Ch. Hugh’s were members of Dry Creek Pres. Ch. I was in those days a Slego. But the official name is Dry Creek. My father was clergy of this church for many years. I have preached 3 Sundays this month and have engagements for 2 Sundays in May.
I am glad that Dean tell you that John is getting along nicely. It makes me help from his Aff [illegible] living and letter from…
… May he so he could. Dean is hoping it would. His health is improving. I do hope so, as it is the primary cause. I wrote home this his name, and his maid, but Ernest Sr. is teaching. She got a nice raise in salary for next year.
Sis. Luran and [illegible] is here. Luran Clark is my own children. Their mother died when they were 8 & 10, and they came to my home to live. Ed may learn good things with their mother, Eliza Riley who taught so long in Carroll Co Point, the oldest son is married, Rev. Virgil Bryan. They live in GA. That same with [illegible] Columbia Pres. Ch. Amelia, married F.C. Lemstien. They live in San Antonio, and please I [illegible] the reunion and her daughter and husband from my special sister, Juanita Corpus of Merida plans coming. Of course, for Sandham & Tom Russell [illegible] there. Am very tired. Ann & Louisa and John can not go. My son Bill G. Jr. and wife will be there. You and Bill and we small [illegible] meet. For keeping you reading. Sorry. Just so hoping that you [illegible].
Love, Gus.
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